Kentucky Food & Bourbon Restaurants

Bourbon Eats

Bourbon Country’s long spirit-infused history and now growing food reputation are putting many Kentucky cities on the culinary map.  And it’s not just the eclectic, innovative and award-winning restaurant scene, but also locally made products that are setting the region apart.  In addition to the 200-year-old bourbon heritage, there is also a long beer history with a current craft resurgence and the local coffee scenes are buzzing.

Kentucky’s rich culinary heritage goes beyond fried chicken and country ham and includes the birthplace of the Hot Brown sandwich and the Old Fashioned cocktail among regional favorites like Beer Cheese and Burgoo. Thanks to the state’s geography at the intersection of numerous growing regions, the produce is plentiful and beautiful, and food culture has flourished. 


Start your day right with Kentucky’s breakfast of champions! For your first meal, try bourbon bread pudding, Southern-style classic deviled eggs, or Truman’s Breakfast (the President loved whiskey with his egg every morning!). Look for bourbon-infused maple syrup on your pancakes on morning versions of a Hot Brown topped with an egg.


Lunch could include a pulled pork bourbon BBQ, a mint julep and a bourbon bonbon. Since you’re in Kentucky, you will also want to sample some regional favorites, including:

For those with smaller appetites or a craving for aromatic baked goods, coffee houses and delicatessens offer lighter meal options or a refreshing afternoon snack for the weary traveler.


After cocktails at some of the world’s most recognized whiskey bars, enjoy an authentic bourbon dinner where the spirit is served with each course and often hosted by a Master Distiller. In addition to the familiar flavors of America’s local Kentucky food, you also have a selection of international cuisines—from French and Italian to Japanese and the Caribbean. You can search by town or cuisine.

Bon appétit and cheers!